02.02.2024 • 5 min. reading time
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There can be many reasons for wanting to register a second home. It is not always a vacation property that is only used seasonally. Professional commitments, personal relationships or tax advantages often play a role. In this article, you will not only find out what you need to consider if you want to register a second home, we will also look at the requirements and costs involved, registering your parents' home as a second home, registering a second home with your partner, tax deductibility and deregistering a second home.
Registering a second home - step by step
Registering your second home is mandatory in Germany if you have another residential address in addition to your main home. Your main residence is the property in which you spend most of your time and which is therefore the center of your life. Commuter apartments, for example, are not considered your main residence per se, even if you may spend more time there than in your main residence.
In accordance with Section 21 of the Federal Registration Act, you should register with the local registration office within two weeks of moving in. You must bring the following documents with you to the registration office:
- The completed registration form from the office
- Personal ID (alternatively passport)
- Rental contract or confirmation from the landlord
- If applicable. Birth certificate of children, marriage certificate or divorce decree
"Although registration is mandatory in Germany, the law provides for some exceptions to registering a secondary residence. You do not have to register if you will be staying in the apartment for less than 6 months continuously. If you do extend your stay after the 6 months, it is sufficient to register within the two-week period.
Registering the parental home as a secondary residence
Is it possible to register the parental home as a secondary residence? Yes, this is generally possible if you stay there regularly. However, please note that this may involve some legal and tax issues. Consult an expert to find out about the exact conditions.
Registering your secondary residence with your partner
Registering your secondary residence with your partner is also an option. This can be useful in various life situations, but it is important to note that the requirements and regulations may vary depending on the federal state. Check with your local registration office.
Second home requirements and costs
The requirements for registering a second home can vary depending on the federal state. As a rule, however, you must be able to prove that you actually live at both residences on a regular basis. The costs for registration also vary and depend on various factors, including the fees for re-registration. In most cases, registration fees of €10 are due.
GEZ fee for second residence
An important consideration when registering your second residence is the GEZ fee. You must also pay the broadcasting fee for your second home, unless you are exempt from paying it. Bear this in mind to avoid any unpleasant surprises.
Deducting your second home from tax
An interesting aspect of registering your second home is the tax benefits. Under certain circumstances, you can claim costs associated with your second home for tax purposes. This may relate to rental costs or furnishing expenses. Consult a tax advisor to make sure you take advantage of all the possibilities.
Second home - advantages at a glance
Registering a second home can offer a number of advantages. These include the flexibility to cover different areas of your life, tax benefits and the opportunity to move to different locations. However, be aware of the associated obligations, such as the GEZ fee and registration deadlines.
All in all, registering a second home is an important matter that requires careful planning and knowledge of local laws. Use the above information to make the process smooth and keep track of all the benefits and obligations.
Registering your second home
You may need to deregister your second home in the future if your circumstances change. This may be necessary if you change your main residence or no longer need your secondary residence. Contact your local registration office to find out how to deregister.