Our Team in Starnberg / Fünf-Seen-Land

Vivianne Pucer

Vivianne Pucer

Business Office Owner

Phone: +49 8151 - 99 85 16 0

Email: [email protected]

Vivianne Pucer wuchs in München auf, im bekannten Stadtteil Schwabing. Da sie nie verstehen konnte, warum man kein Pony im Innenhof des Schwabinger Wohnhauses halten durfte, reifte bereits als Kind in ihr der Traum vom Leben auf dem Land.

Aufgewachsen in einem Elternhaus, das Bauträgermaßnahmen durchführte, kam Vivianne Pucer mit dem Thema Immobilien schon in ihrer Jugend in Berührung.

So verwundert es nicht, dass sie – nach einem Umweg über die Schmuckbranche – schon in jungen Jahren ihre Berufung im Immobiliengeschäft fand.

Der Weg in die Immobilienwelt führte sie zunächst als Junior-Maklerin für Eigentumswohnungen in München über die gewerbliche Vermietung in das Risikomanagement der HypoVereinsbank. Dort erwarb sie sich zusätzlich profunde Kenntnisse im Bereich der Immobilienbewertung und des Investmentgeschäfts. Zusätzlich machte sie eine Ausbildung zur Facilitymanagerin IHK.

Im Jahr 2010 kombinierte sie dann letztendlich ihre Liebe zum Landleben mit ihrem Know-how in der Immobilienwirtschaft und wurde Partnerin bei VON POLL IMMOBILIEN als Inhaberin der Geschäftsstelle Starnberg/Fünfseenland.

Frau Pucer ist Sachverständige für Immobilienbewertung (WertCert®/IHK) und betreibt ihren Beruf mit großer Leidenschaft für die Immobilien, aber auch besonders für die vielen interessanten Menschen, mit denen sie in Kontakt kommt.

Die passionierte Tierfreundin und Naturliebhaberin entspannt sich am liebsten beim Joggen mit Hund oder beim Ausreiten mit Hund und Pferd.


Petra Herlitz

Petra Herlitz

Real Estate Agent (IHK)

Phone: +49 8151 - 99 85 16 0

Email: [email protected]

After graduating with a degree in industrial design, Petra Herlitz from Berlin moved to Bavaria to be closer to her passion, skiing. Here she worked in the international paper trade for almost a decade before gaining further experience in the media and advertising industry. She has now been a self-employed real estate agent for almost 20 years. Initially, she was mainly active in her hometown of Berlin and in Munich, and during this time she has mediated both redevelopment cases in Kreuzberg and luxury real estate in Bogenhausen with a lot of commitment and passion.

In 2016, she was drawn to Lake Starnberg to join the team of the Von Poll Immobilien office of Ms. Vivianne Pucer. Here she can focus goal-oriented around the advice and support of your customers and rely on the support of a competent team with its large and successful network. Training as a real estate agent (IHK) with regular further training measures round off the many years of practical experience. Ms. Herlitz addresses the special problems and wishes of her clients with expertise, heart and mind and does not allow herself to be ruffled even by major challenges. She meets her clientele from industry and business at eye level with sensitivity for their desire for discretion.


Britta Wolfsteiner

Britta Wolfsteiner

Real estate agent (IHK) Diplom-Betriebswirtin (FH)

Phone: +49 8151 - 99 85 16 0

Email: [email protected]

Britta Wolfsteiner is a dedicated consultant who helps our clients find the optimal fit for real estate transactions thanks to her extensive experience, commitment and passion for real estate.

Her solid career with renowned companies in the luxury segment in Düsseldorf and Hamburg formed her valuable foundation in marketing and sales. Her transition into the real estate industry was motivated by a love of beautiful living and ties in with her studies as a graduate in business administration (FH) and real estate agent (IHK), which give her the tools she needs to achieve outstanding results for our clients.

Her personal international experience gained while living in major cities such as Paris, Barcelona and London, coupled with her business fluency in English, French and Spanish, enables Britta to understand and serve a wide range of client needs.

An impressive project that underlines her deep passion for the real estate industry is the new construction of her own family home on Lake Starnberg for her family.

As a mother of two and proud dog owner, Britta has a keen sense for the needs of families and pet owners. Creativity and empathy help to find individual solutions and offer each customer personal attention and excellent service.


Janina Jesse

Janina Jesse

Team Assistant

Phone: +49 8151 - 99 85 16 0

Email: [email protected]

Born and raised in Starnberg, Ms. Jesse has extensive experience as an event and marketing manager in the areas of event planning, marketing and customer communication.

With an IHK degree in office management and professional positions in well-known companies, she was able to build up sound expertise, especially in the design of websites, the implementation of social media campaigns and the planning and implementation of events.

What fascinates her about the profession is the variety of tasks, which range from customer advice and support to property management and brokerage to the planning and financing of construction projects and properties for sale.

We look forward to working together with Ms Jesse and to our future together.


Katharina Maillinger

Katharina Maillinger

Katharina Maillinger completed a four-year hotel management apprenticeship at the hotel management school in Porec (Croatia) after finishing school in 2017. There, she was not only able to demonstrate her talent for communication, but also expand her foreign language skills. In addition to German and Croatian as her native languages, she speaks fluent English and has basic knowledge of Italian as well as beginner's Russian.

Thanks to her father, who works in the real estate business in Croatia, she had the opportunity to get to know and identify with the diverse aspects of the real estate industry early on. Organizational talent and flexibility are essential parts of her everyday life, as are customer service and advising people interested in real estate.

Her friendly and committed manner, which is of great importance in the hotel industry, enables her to inspire other people. In her free time, she enjoys spending time in nature with her horses, which helps her to find a balance and live out her love of animals.




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