VON POLL IMMOBILIEN – Immobilienmakler Starnberg / Fünfseenland – Teambild

Successful sale and purchase of condominiums in Starnberg

17/08/2023 · Autor: VON POLL IMMOBILIEN Starnberg / Fünf-Seen-Land

Exclusive condominiums Starnberg

The Five-Lakes Region, which includes Starnberg, offers high-quality real estate locations with exclusive condominiums to suit every taste. Here you can enjoy nature and recreation to the fullest while benefiting from the proximity to Munich. Starnberg offers a first-class quality of life with a variety of recreational opportunities such as sailing, hiking and cycling. The excellent infrastructure, good transport links and high-quality educational institutions make Starnberg an attractive place to live for families and professionals alike.

Condominiums Starnberg: buying, selling or investment?

When it comes to buying, selling or using condominiums in Starnberg as an investment, there are various aspects to consider. Here is some information that may help you in your decision:

Buying condominiums in Starnberg

Starnberg offers an attractive environment for buying condominiums. The city is located in the picturesque Five Lakes Region and offers the highest quality of living with a beautiful natural setting and a good infrastructure. Before buying an apartment in Starnberg, it is important to consider your individual needs and requirements. Consider what location, size, amenities and pricing are best for you. It is advisable to contact an experienced real estate agent such as VON POLL IMMOBILIEN Starnberg / Fünf-Seen-Land. In an initial consultation, the VON POLL IMMOBILIEN Starnberg / Fünf-Seen-Land team will provide you with comprehensive market details on the best residential locations in Starnberg.

Condominiums in Starnberg_VON POLL IMMOBILIEN_Starnberg_Fünfseenland

Using Starnberg condominiums as an investment

Starnberg is also an interesting option for capital investors due to its attractive location and proximity to Munich. The high demand for rental apartments in the region can offer a good return for investors. Before buying condominiums in Starnberg as an investment, you should carefully analyze the potential rental yield, the demand for rental apartments in the area and the long-term prospects of the real estate market. An experienced real estate agent, such as VON POLL IMMOBILIEN Starnberg / Fünf-Seen-Land, can help you make an informed decision and assist you in renting and managing your condominiums in Starnberg.

High quality condos Starnberg

Selling condos in Starnberg

If you own condos in Starnberg and want to sell them, this can be a great opportunity to take advantage of the high demand for real estate in Starnberg. Before you start the selling process, you should analyze the current Starnberg real estate market and have the value of your apartments assessed. A real estate agent can help you achieve the best sales price and guide you through the entire sales process.

Our in-house experts at VON POLL IMMOBILIEN Starnberg / Fünf-Seen-Land will determine the current market value of your condominiums in Starnberg through a careful evaluation by means of a professional as well as meaningful real estate appraisal - free of charge and without obligation.

Excellent quality of living in Starnberg

Why VON POLL IMMOBILIEN when it comes to condominiums in Starnberg?

There are several reasons why VON POLL IMMOBILIEN Starnberg / Fünf-Seen-Land is the ideal choice when it comes to buying or selling condominiums in Starnberg.

We design a customized marketing plan specifically for your condominiums in Starnberg. By means of professional marketing measures and high-quality exposés, it is ensured that your condominiums in Starnberg are quickly caught the eye of potential buyers. In addition, we have a large number of pre-registered and credit-checked prospective buyers and investors and can thus access an already hand-picked clientele when marketing your real estate. Take the first step now and receive a free real estate appraisal.

Whether buying, selling or using as an investment condominiums in Starnberg - in any case, it is advisable to turn to an experienced real estate agent like VON POLL IMMOBILIEN Starnberg / Fünf-Seen-Land for expert advice and support in the decision to buy, sell or rent your condominiums in Starnberg. With VON POLL IMMOBILIEN Starnberg / Fünf-Seen-Land you have a partner with many years of regional experience and expertise at your side, who will handle your purchase or sales request for you at the best conditions.

Your brokers VON POLL IMMOBILIEN_Starnberg_Fünfseenland

Starnberg / Fünf-Seen-Land
Vivianne Pucer
Maximilianstraße 4
82319 Starnberg
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Opening hours
Tuesday 09:30 - 17:30 
Wednesday 09:30 - 17:30 
Thursday 09:30 - 17:30 
Friday 09:30 - 17:30 

Pucer GmbH
vertreten durch die Geschäftsführerin Vivianne Pucer [Geprüfte freie Sachverständige für Immobilienbewertung (WertCert®)]

Maximilianstraße 4 / 4a, 82319 Starnberg
Telefon: +49 (0)8151 - 99 85 16 0, Fax: +49 (0)8151 - 99 85 16 11
E-Mail: [email protected]

In freier Handelsvertretung für die von Poll Immobilien GmbH

Gewerbeerlaubnis nach §34c GewO erteilt durch das Landratsamt Fürstenfeldbruck
Zuständige Aufsichtsbehörde: Industrie- und Handelskammer (IHK) für München und Oberbayern, Max-Joseph-Straße 2, 80333 München

Amtsgericht München, HRB 82639
UID: DE 228 453 259

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