Your real estate agent for Oberursel and the surrounding area
If you are looking for a real estate agent in Oberursel, Friedrichsdorf or the surrounding area, please contact your VON POLL IMMOBILIEN team in Oberursel to find the property that best meets your individual requirements.
Whether you want to buy a house in Oberursel or buy or rent an apartment in Oberursel: Our estate agents are very familiar with the regional market conditions and have many years of experience in successful real estate brokerage. Visit us in our VON POLL IMMOBILIEN store in Oberursel, where we will be happy to assist you with a wide range of premium services. In addition, we are also on site for you in other regions in the Rhine-Main area / Hesse as well as the entire city area of Oberursel and Friedrichsdorf and the surrounding area in the best locations.
Attractive residential locations
Among the best residential locations in this region are:
- Oberursel - Maasgrund
- Oberursel - An der Heide
- Oberursel - Freiheit
- Oberursel - Lindenstraße
- Bad Homburg - Hardtwald
- Bad Homburg - Ellerhöhe
- Bad Homburg - Tannenwaldallee
- Bad Homburg - Birnbaumfeld/Reisberg
- Friedrichsdorf - Dillingen
Selling a property
If you as the owner are planning to sell or rent your property in Oberursel, Bad Homburg, Friedrichsdorf and the surrounding area in the short or medium term, your VON POLL IMMOBILIEN Oberursel team will be happy to help you find the right buyer for your house or apartment. As traditional and innovative real estate agents, we have excellent local market knowledge as well as outstanding contacts to potential buyers who are looking for properties to buy or rent in Oberursel and the surrounding area.
Property valuation in Oberursel
If you only want to find out the current market value of your house or apartment, we will of course be happy to assist you just as professionally. You are welcome to take advantage of our non-binding offer for a free valuation by our certified independent experts for real estate valuation (PersCert®/WertCert®/DEKRA). We look forward to your inquiry!
For you in the best locations - your competent real estate agent in Oberursel will be happy to advise you!

Capital Broker Compass 2023: 5-star broker award
In the Capital Broker Compass 2023, VON POLL IMMOBILIEN once again receives the highest score - a total of 134 locations are awarded the rating of 5-star broker. Thus VON POLL IMMOBILIEN stands out once again as the brokerage with the most awarded locations among all analyzed real estate service providers. Also VON POLL IMMOBILIEN Oberursel belongs to the distinguished locations and thus to the best brokers of the region.
In a two-stage test procedure Capital evaluated already for the tenth time - together with Scope Fund Analysis and the IIB Institut - the achievements of 20,127 real estate agents in 161 German cities. The criteria assessed were qualification, process quality, exposé and contract as well as customer service.

ImmoScout24 Gold Partner
We are proud to be a Gold Partner of ImmoScout24. This seal stands for our outstanding quality and reliability in the real estate sector. As a Gold Partner, we benefit from exclusive advantages such as preferential placement and special marketing tools that enable us to market your property faster and more effectively. You can rely on our many years of experience and our commitment to your success.

F.A.Z. Institute: "Germany's most desirable employers 2024"
VON POLL IMMOBILIEN receives the "Germany's most desirable employer 2024" award from the F.A.Z. Institute, part of the renowned Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. With the highest score of 100 points, VON POLL IMMOBILIEN emerged as the winner in the "Real Estate Agents" category. Among other things, job security, salary structure, development and training opportunities as well as additional benefits were examined.
Client testimonials
Dear Mr. Herrhammer! You and your team have successfully sold my property at Ebertstr. 17 in Oberursel with in-depth market knowledge and professional expertise and brought it to a contractual conclusion. Everything went perfectly and my expectations of your company were fully met.I would like to thank you for this and wish you and your team continued success.
Christa Rorem
Ich habe kürzlich über Von Poll Immobilien Oberursel ein Haus in Oberursel gekauft und könnte mit meiner Erfahrung nicht zufriedener sein. Die Immobilienberater Herr Herrhammer und Herr Löhr waren äußerst kompetent und professionell, standen jederzeit für Fragen zur Verfügung und führten mich durch den Prozess. Die Immobilie selbst war genau das, was ich gesucht hatte, und die Lage in der Oberursel-Stierstadt war perfekt.
B. M.