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With care into your own home: What you need to know about investment properties in Munich

02/05/2023 · Autor: VON POLL COMMERCIAL München

Services at VON POLL COMMERCIAL Munich - From the search to the purchase contract

You are planning to purchase a investment property in Munich? Use our free VON POLL COMMERCIAL Munich service and get here all relevant information regarding the purchase of such a real estate investment. Use the knowledge advantage around best possible preparation and research around a investment property in Munich. Let us together with our brokers in Munich find out how to make the best possible investment in Munich.

Why Munich as an investment location for investment property 2023?

Munich is undoubtedly one of the most sought-after cities in Germany and attracts a large number of tourists as well as business people year after year. But not only as a tourist destination, the Bavarian capital proves to be extremely attractive - also as an investment location for investment properties Munich promises promising potential for investors. Here, the metropolis scores with an excellent quality of life, undoubtedly unique in Germany, as well as a thriving economy and a stable development of the Munich real estate market. Especially the high demand for living space in Munich ensures a steady value development of real estate of any kind. However, when choosing a investment property in Munich a careful and considered approach should be taken to ensure a profitable investment in Munich. In this blog post from our brokers in Munich, we inform you in detail about the relevant aspects to which you should pay attention and what special features there are to investment in real estate in Munichn.

For several decades, we are a renowned real estate agent in the greater Munich area for commercial - real estate projects and have specialized in particular in the placement of residential and commercial real estate in Munich. The most important indicator for the development of your property is the selling price of a property in Munich, the rent to be achieved as well as the future yield, the optimization of which we consider our personal responsibility. We have extensive market knowledge in Munich and many years of experience in the brokerage of investment properties, from which you will benefit as a customer. Especially owners of interest houses in Munichcan benefit from our extensive range of services, which includes, among others, the following services:

Our Munich real estate agents are responsible for a comprehensive market observation and research in the field of investment properties as well as a detailed analysis of your future real estate investment to determine the best possible potential. On the basis of these preparations, we create a market-driven valuation of your property in Munich and conduct a professional real estate check. Among other things, we analyze the rental income of the property in Munichas well as the incidental expenses to be borne, develop utilization proposals as well as new construction and conversion plans of your property. Furthermore we develop an efficient marketing strategy and mediate discreetly by direct approach of our pre-qualified and credit-checked real estate clients. We accompany you in negotiations, notarizations and purchase agreements of investment properties and are also available to you after the conclusion of the contract of real estate investment for support.

How do you find the right investment property in Munich 2023 as an investor?

As an investor of a property in Munichit is quite important that you thoroughly inform yourself in advance and consider various factors before buying. For example, what goal do you pursue with a investment property in Munich? Would you like to rent out your property in the long term or sell the investment property at a later date? Depending on your objectives, you should focus on different districts and property types such as single-family houses, commercial buildings or multifamily houses in Munich. You should also focus on the location and infrastructure, as good public transport links and shopping facilities increase the attractiveness of the investment property for potential tenants or buyers. In addition, you should always keep an eye on the current market prices on the Munich real estate market and, if necessary, consult a real estate expert. A thorough research and an accurate market analysis of the various factors can help you to find the right investment property in Munich.

What should you consider when buying an investment property?

When purchasing an investment property, there are various significant aspects to which you must pay attention. First and foremost, you should be clear about your goals and financial capabilities. What type of property do you want to purchase and what budget do you have available? The location of the property is also of elementary importance. In Munich, there are many sought-after districts where prices are correspondingly high. Nevertheless, it can be advantageous to invest in up-and-coming neighborhoods that still offer potential. Another significant criterion is the rentability of the property. How high is the demand for apartments in the area and what rental prices are realistic? It is also essential not to neglect the quality of the property itself. How old is the building and what renovations are needed? All these questions should be examined in detail before you purchase an investment property in Munich.

Our company specializes in finding the perfect apartment building for you. We rely on a close observation of the interest house market in Munichand develop an individual search profile that meets your requirements. Our advice is thorough and includes the choice of location and property. We select suitable properties for you and accompany you during viewings, purchase negotiations and notarizations. The arrangement of financing is also important to us, which is why we have an in-house financing department to assist you. Even after the contract is signed, we will continue to look after you.

What will the financing concept look like?

For the acquisition of a investment property in Munichthe financing concept plays one of the most important factors. There are various options, such as equity, debt or a combination of both to finance your investment. In order to find the optimal financing option, it is essential to obtain comprehensive information in advance and to seek the advice of an expert. The amount of the monthly installments and the loan term should also be carefully considered in order to avoid financial overload. A well thought-out financing concept represents a significant step to successfully invest in an investment property in Munich.

What are the tax consequences of the purchase of real estate in Munich?

Also the tax aspects when buying an investment propertyplay an important role. The purchase of a property in Munich can be costly due to the high land prices and strong demand from additional real estate investors. However, buying real estate also offers tax advantages that you can take advantage of. For example, you can deduct the cost of the investment and any renovations to the property from your annual taxes. Furthermore, you can also claim the interest on your mortgage loan as income-related expenses for tax purposes. But note the taxes due on rental income to be paid . Provided that you own a Renditeimmobilie in Munich, you are furthermore obliged to pay income tax on the rental income. Likewise, it is relevant to know that the amount of tax depends on your income and the size of the property. It is therefore advisable to consult a tax advisor to ensure that you take advantage of all tax benefits and pay your taxes correctly.

Which legal framework conditions are to be observed when purchasing investment property in Munich?

Legal framework conditions and rules of the game are decisive for the acquisition of a investment property in Munich. In Germany, the purchase of real estate is subject to specific regulations and laws that also apply in Munich. For example, as a buyer of aninvestment property in Munich you have to pay the land transfer tax, which varies depending on the federal state. It is also advisable that you inform yourself about the current regulations of the building law in Munich. For example, you can ensure that you do not make any unauthorized alterations or modifications to the investment property. In addition, you should familiarize yourself with the current laws on tenancy so that you, as a landlord, comply with all regulations and know your rights and obligations in Munich in detail. Therefore, it is of great importance that you acquire a comprehensive knowledge of the legal framework before buying an investment property in Munichin order to avoid unpleasant surprises. Our real estate experts can guide you step by step in this process.

How to secure your investment in investment property: Insurance and contracts you should know!

If you invest in a investment property in Munich, please pay attention to a comprehensive protection. This includes not only insurance such as building insurance, but also contracts that protect you from unexpected events with your real estate property. For example, a lease agreement could be drawn up that protects your rights as a landlord and defines clear rules for the tenant in Munich. Also a construction contract for investment property with the construction company can help you to secure your investment in Munich. To avoid future real estate conflicts, services and costs must be precisely recorded. In addition, you should inform yourself about suitable insurance policies as a landlord in Munich, such as landlord liability insurance or loss of rent insurance. The range of benefits here is diverse. With these hedges, you can reduce your risk as a real estate investor and protect your yielding property in the long term.

We cordially invite you as an investor to convince yourself of our exclusive range of office properties, retail properties, logistics properties, operator properties and project developments in our VON POLL COMMERCIAL portfolio. Our investment experts holistically assess the complexity of your real estate investment in Munich and perform a comprehensive risk-opportunity analysis to provide you with the best possible advice.

How do you manage and maintain a investment property in Munichproperly?

Are you already in possession of your own investment property in Munich? Congratulations. Now you should pay attention to appropriate maintenance and care to achieve the best possible results of your investment property . Focus of the work should always be the value of your investment property. Frequent activities here are the maintenance of heating and plumbing systems, the regular cleaning of common areas and the maintenance of facades and roofs of your Investment property in Munich. Furthermore, the rental of your property in Munich is highly relevant. Pay attention here to finding reputable and reliable tenants to select and carefully review your rental agreements. Regular monitoring of monthly rent payments and enforcement of rent arrears are also part of your responsibilities as a landlord in Munich. Another significant aspect is the financing of your investment property in order to achieve the best possible tax benefits and depreciation options. Pay attention to these factors, so you can in the long term and fully benefit from your investment property in Munich.

Conclusion: With care into your own home - the way to successful real estate acquisition in Munich

If you want to fulfill your dream of owning a home or a investment property in Munich you should take enough preparation time and proceed cautiously. For this, our brokers in Munich are available on site with advice and support. The acquisition of a yielding property in Munichrepresents a significant investment and should be well thought out. For example, find out about the current real estate market in Munich and get advice from real estate experts. Weigh the real estate financing and pay attention to the location and infrastructure of your investment property. These and more factors should be included in your decision before buying real estate. With appropriate knowledge, preparation, support from real estate agents and patience, you can take the successful path to real estate acquisition in Munichand make your dream of your own real estate object come true.


München - Commercial
Sascha Hadeed
Nymphenburger Straße 120
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Thursday 10:00 - 18:00 
Friday 10:00 - 18:00 

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Beethovenplatz 2
80336 Munich

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Municipal Court Munich, HRB 249537

Licensed partner of von Poll Immobilien GmbH

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