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What to do when you inherit a property in Mallorca: Guide for heirs

12/10/2023 · Autor: VON POLL REAL ESTATE Mallorca-Llucmajor

The picturesque island of Mallorca has not only become a popular vacation destination, but also a sought-after region for real estate investment. For some lucky people, this can mean inheriting a property in Mallorca. This guide is designed to help heirs of a property in Mallorca who are faced with important decisions to manage the inherited property efficiently and successfully.

Step 1: Check documentation

The first step you should take when inheriting a property in Mallorca is to check the inheritance documents. Make sure you have an official copy of the will or other relevant documents that confirm your inheritance. These documents will be necessary to legally complete the transfer of ownership.

Step 2: Understand inheritance taxes

Inheritance taxes are an important aspect of inheriting a property in Mallorca. The amount of tax depends on various factors, including the degree of kinship to the deceased and the value of the property. It is advisable to consult a tax expert or lawyer to determine the exact tax obligations and how best to manage them.

Step 3: Carry out a property valuation

Before you can manage your inherited property in Mallorca, it is important to determine its exact value. A professional property valuation is essential to ensure that you set the right selling price or can use the property for other purposes.

Step 4: Take maintenance measures

Once you own the property, it is important to carry out regular maintenance measures. This can include maintenance of the garden, pool, building and electrics. A well-maintained property retains its value and can also be more attractive for potential rentals or sales.

Step 5: Consider property management

If you don't want to use the property yourself, you should consider renting it out. A professional property management company can help you with the rental, maintenance and management of the rental income. This can be a valuable source of income while maintaining the value of your property.

Step 6: Consider selling

You may want to sell the property in Mallorca at some point. This can be a good option to liquidate your investment or divide the proceeds between your heirs. An experienced real estate agent can help you with this process.

Inheriting a property in Mallorca can be a stroke of luck, but it also comes with responsibilities and tasks. Proper planning and preparation are key to making the most of your inheritance. From checking documentation to tax planning and property management, this guide is designed to help you make the process as smooth as possible. Remember to consult with experts in Mallorca if you have any questions or uncertainties to ensure you make the best decisions for your inherited property.

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VON POLL REAL ESTATE Mallorca - Llucmajor

Philip Bornewasser

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