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Interest rate trends on the real estate market - review and outlook

12/12/2024 · Autor: Nadin Ostendorf VON POLL IMMOBILIEN Krefeld

Interest rate trends on the real estate market - review and outlook

Interest rate trends on the real estate market - review and outlook

In 2024, interest rate trends remained the key issue on the real estate market and preoccupied prospective buyers and property owners alike. Due to the significant rise in interest rates in the previous year, many prospective buyers had to recalculate their financing options and possibly even cut back on their property search. Sellers, on the other hand, had to be prepared for more intensive price negotiations - especially when it came to existing properties from an older year of construction.

The start to 2024 was comparatively smooth: the three replaced the four in front of the decimal point and, following a slight decline in mortgage rates at the beginning of the year and a total of three key interest rate cuts by the European Central Bank over the course of the year, the mortgage rate stabilized around the 3% mark. Particularly in the case of follow-up financing, financing with a high proportion of equity or by taking into account various subsidy measures, conditions of just under three percent can be realized again.

"The time to buy a property is currently better than it has been for a long time. Prospective buyers are benefiting from a significantly better interest rate situation, while at the same time property prices have fallen slightly. The market has stabilized and both buyers and sellers have become accustomed to the new circumstances. We are also noticing this in the rising demand," says Nadin Ostendorf, branch manager at VON POLL IMMOBILIEN in Krefeld. She continues: "We expect interest rates to remain stable in the coming year, which will further increase demand. So if you are thinking of buying a property, you shouldn't hesitate too long, because increased demand will also cause property prices to rise again in the long term."

Are you looking for a new home or want to sell your property? Nadin Ostendorf and her team will be happy to advise you on all aspects of real estate brokerage. On request, the affiliated VON POLL FINANCE team offers optimal support in financing issues in conjunction with a best interest rate check from over 700 financial institutions.

You can reach the VON POLL IMMOBILIEN experts in Krefeld on 02151-93 188 0 or at www.von-poll.com/krefeld or you can visit the store directly at Marktstraße 8.

Nadin Ostendorf
Marktstraße 8
47798 Krefeld
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Nadin Ostendorf
[DEKRA certified expert for real estate valuation - D1, Diplom-Kauffrau & Immobilienmaklerin (IHK)]

Marktstraße 8, 47798 Krefeld
Phone: +49 (0)2151 - 93 188 0, Fax: +49 (0)2151 - 93 188 11
Email: [email protected]

In independent commercial agency for von Poll Immobilien GmbH

Business license according to §34c GewO granted by the city of Essen
Competent supervisory authority: Ordnungsamt Krefeld, Am Hauptbahnhof 5, 47798 Krefeld

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