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Generational change in the real estate market - the new "Young buys old" development program

16/12/2024 · Autor: Nadin Ostendorf VON POLL IMMOBILIEN Krefeld

Generational change in the real estate market - the new "Young buys old" support program

While many young families are looking to buy their own home, many older owners are faced with the emotional challenge of selling their property. This step can bring great benefits for both sides - thanks to the new "Young buys old" support program.

Opportunities for young families and older owners

"Selling their own property is an emotional challenge for many older owners. Decades of memories and the familiarity of their own four walls make this step more difficult," says Nadin Ostendorf, office manager at VON POLL IMMOBILIEN in Krefeld. This is where the KfW funding program "Young buys old" comes in by enabling young families to purchase existing properties in need of renovation at attractive conditions.

The KfW program, which has been running since September 2024, grants low-interest loans and grants of up to EUR 100,000 to families with a household income of up to EUR 90,000 and at least one minor child. The limit increases by 10,000 euros for each additional child. In addition to the purchase price of the property, the eligible costs also include the cost of the land. The property must then be brought up to the latest energy standards.

"Although an energy-efficient renovation is challenging, it saves costs in the long term and increases the value of the property. At the same time, older sellers benefit from the increasing demand for existing properties," confirms Nadin Ostendorf from VON POLL IMMOBILIEN in Krefeld.

Win-win situation for both sides

This results in an attractive market situation for older owners. What's more, those who think about life in old age in good time can make a fresh start by selling their property and enjoy the freedom they have gained.

The "Young buys old" program gives young families access to residential property and makes it easier for older owners to sell. It creates a generational change in the real estate market that benefits both sides.

If you are interested in buying or selling an existing property, you should find out about the conditions of the program at an early stage. After all, if all the criteria are met, there are good opportunities for everyone involved.

Get advice

Are you interested in buying or selling a property? Nadin Ostendorf and her team in Krefeld will be happy to provide you with comprehensive advice. Contact us on 02151-93 188 0 or visit us directly in the store at Marktstraße 8. You can also find more information at www.von-poll.com/krefeld.

Nadin Ostendorf
Marktstraße 8
47798 Krefeld
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Nadin Ostendorf
[DEKRA certified expert for real estate valuation - D1, Diplom-Kauffrau & Immobilienmaklerin (IHK)]

Marktstraße 8, 47798 Krefeld
Phone: +49 (0)2151 - 93 188 0, Fax: +49 (0)2151 - 93 188 11
Email: [email protected]

In independent commercial agency for von Poll Immobilien GmbH

Business license according to §34c GewO granted by the city of Essen
Competent supervisory authority: Ordnungsamt Krefeld, Am Hauptbahnhof 5, 47798 Krefeld

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