Our Team in Cologne-Dellbrück

Immobilienkaufmann (IHK)
Geprüfter Immobilienbewerter (SPRENGNETTER Akademie)
My name is Alexander Péus. I am a trained real estate agent (IHK) and certified real estate appraiser (Sprengnetter Academy), working in sales for VON POLL IMMOBILIEN in Cologne Dellbrück.
My family has been involved in real estate since I was a child.
Long before my commercial training, I had my eye on VON POLL IMMOBILIEN. I was impressed by the modern appearance, the brand expertise and the extensive network. Every store I drove past triggered emotions in me. I almost always felt connected to the brand.
After almost every job in the real estate sector, I have finally arrived. Arrived in a team in which every single person shares the enthusiasm for the profession and embodies the company philosophy. We want every customer to think back to us with a good feeling.