Your real estate agent for Jena and the surrounding area
If you are looking for a professional real estate agent in Jena and the surrounding area, please contact VON POLL IMMOBILIEN to find the property that best meets your individual requirements. Regardless of whether you want to buy a house or apartment in Jena or discover apartments for rent in Jena: Our estate agents are very familiar with the regional market conditions and have many years of experience in successful real estate brokerage. Visit us in our VON POLL IMMOBILIEN store in Jena, where we will be happy to assist you with a wide range of premium services. We are also on site for you in the best locations in other regions of the Saale-Holzland district and the entire city of Jena.
Attractive residential locations in Jena
The best residential locations in this region include:
- Jena-Zentrum
- Jena-West
- Wenigenjena
- Kernberge
- Jena-Süd
- Jena-Nord
Selling a property
If you as an owner are planning to sell or rent out your property in Jena and the surrounding area in the short or medium term, your VON POLL IMMOBILIEN Jena team will be happy to help you find the right buyer for your house or apartment. As a traditional and innovative real estate agency, VON POLL IMMOBILIEN has excellent local market knowledge as well as outstanding contacts to potential buyers looking to buy or rent property in Jena and the surrounding area.
Property valuation in Jena
If you would like to find out the current market value of your house or apartment, we will of course be happy to assist you just as professionally. You are welcome to take advantage of our non-binding offer for a free valuation by our certified independent experts for real estate valuation (PersCert®/WertCert®/DEKRA). We look forward to hearing from you!
For you in the best locations - your expert real estate agent in Jena will be happy to advise you!
Client testimonials
Excellent real estate agent - competent, personable and committed!'An agent with a lot of expertise and experience - not a typical "dry salesman", but someone who really knows what he's talking about. His personable manner and radiant demeanor clearly set him apart from many other estate agents I've had the pleasure of getting to know. Particularly pleasant: He meets everyone openly and without prejudice.Even in urgent cases, Mr. Dorsch is always available - even at the weekend he had an open ear and was eager to find a solution. Although his office hours are only from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., he can usually be reached by phone at any time or calls back reliably.Clear recommendation for anyone looking for a competent and committed estate agent!'
Torsten S.