If you look at the interest rates of recent months, you will notice very quickly that the trend is further up than down. The rates for financing have risen significantly, as has the required equity. Many experts are of the opinion that the market for existing properties will continue to do well and the purchasing power for new buildings will tend to decline somewhat. Due to missing raw materials, not estimable building prices and the heavy approach to craftsmen, this matter does not arrange itself more simply. Inventory real estates have thereby the chance to be moved again in first place. Exactly regarding this turn, now is the perfect time for owners to let evaluate their real estate and to consider whether one should sell its own home. Every home has work, heart and soul and memories attached to it. However, one should urgently deal with the topics "redevelopment" and the coming obligation for "renewable energies". Because also these two important points, put owners in the obligation older house models on a new state to bring and invest. Start with the first step and secure now a non-binding and free market price assessment of your property. You can never start early enough!
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