Our Team in Freising

Bernd Strohmeier

Business office owner

Phone: +49 8161 - 14 0 16 0

Phone: +49 171 - 23 78 195

Email: [email protected]

Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. (FH)
Immobilienmakler (IHK)

Bernd Strohmeier was born in Landshut and has spent the majority of his professional career in the airport region around Munich. After graduating from secondary school, he completed an apprenticeship as an office communications clerk. He then completed his A-levels and decided to study for a degree in industrial engineering (FH).

His career initially took him into the logistics sector, where he worked as a manager in a large corporation. He later took on the role of managing director of a medium-sized company, where he further honed his skills in corporate management.

Bernd Strohmeier discovered his passion for real estate in 2008 when he viewed his first property. This experience sparked his interest in becoming more involved in real estate. Over the years, he became aware of how important real estate is not only as an investment, but also as a central place to live - places where home, family and tradition come together.

With this realization and the desire to help people find their home, Bernd Strohmeier decided to train as a real estate agent IHK. In 2024, he took over the VON POLL IMMOBILIEN store in Freising. As a married father of two children, he knows the importance of a home and attaches great importance to recognizing and respecting not only the material but also the emotional value of a home. It is a matter close to his heart to work with you to make your real estate wishes come true.

Languages: German, English, Spanish




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