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Fireplaces and stoves in winter - cozy warmth, strict limits

04/01/2024 · Autor: Marius Grumbt

Stoves powered by wood, coal and other solid fuels must comply with certain limit values for carbon monoxide and particulate matter in accordance with the First Federal Immission Control Ordinance (1. BImSchV). The transitional period for compliance with these regulations ends in December 2024. If a stove does not meet the applicable obligations and requirements, owners are obliged to retrofit it by this date or alternatively take it out of operation. Timely adaptation is necessary to meet the legal requirements and avoid possible sanctions.

In the cold and damp days, the stove is the preferred place in the house or apartment where it is cozy and warm inside. The sight of the flickering fire not only creates a cozy atmosphere, but also cozy warmth. However, it should be noted that the Ordinance for Small and Medium-Sized Firing Installations, also known as the 1st BImSchV, sets strict limits for dust and carbon monoxide. To ensure that you can enjoy your stove without restrictions, it is important to make sure that it complies with these regulations.

The following regulations apply until the end of 2024:

A look at the specified time windows for necessary conversions shows that the last transitional period expires at the end of 2024. From this date, single-room combustion systems that were installed and put into operation between 1995 and March 21, 2010 will be particularly affected. Owners of such appliances should pay attention to the performance data. The manufacturer's test bench measurement certificate contains all the relevant information. If this measurement is not available, it can be carried out retrospectively on site by a chimney sweep.

Compliance with the specified limit values is crucial in order to continue operating the appliance. Systems that do not meet these values must be decommissioned or retrofitted with fine dust filters. These provisions are considered a measure to minimize the environmental impact and protect the health of residents.


Exempt from the prescribed regulations due to their low usage times:

  • Non-commercial stoves and ovens with an output of less than 15 kilowatts
  • Open fireplaces
  • Ground ovens
  • Historic ovens, manufactured before 1950
  • Stoves in homes that are used exclusively to heat the home

Operators of these appliances can continue to use them. For all others, anyone who exceeds the specified limit values despite the legal obligation runs the risk of a fine of up to 50,000 euros. It is therefore crucial to ensure that the relevant regulations are complied with in order to both minimize environmental impact and avoid potential penalties.

Source: Haus & Grund Magazine 12/23

Claudia Brakonier & Marius Grumbt
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Brakonier & Grumbt Immobilien GmbH & Co. KG, represented by the personally liable partner Brakonier & Grumbt Immobilien GmbH, which in turn is represented by the managing directors Claudia Brakonier (Real Estate Specialist (TÜV), Certified Independent Expert for Real Estate Valuation (PersCert®)) and Marius Grumbt (Certified Independent Expert for Real Estate Valuation (PersCert®))

Kaiserstraße 50, 40479 Düsseldorf
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Location: Düsseldorf

Personally liable partner of Brakonier & Grumbt Immobilien GmbH & Co. KG: Brakonier & Grumbt Immobilien GmbH
Managing directors of Brakonier & Grumbt Immobilien GmbH: Claudia Brakonier and Marius Grumbt
Düsseldorf Local Court, HRB 69907
Location: Düsseldorf

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