Your real estate agent for Düsseldorf and the surrounding area
The state capital Düsseldorf is one of the economically strongest metropolises in Europe, is home to globally important service companies as well as corporate administrations and is considered the city with the highest comfort of living in North Rhine-Westphalia. As a fashion stronghold, through numerous advertising agencies and media, the city is an important location for creative people.
Due to the comparatively high number of modern exhibition halls, Düsseldorf also enjoys a great reputation in terms of international trade fairs, culture and art. Worldwide outstanding architects have realized their projects in the city. Millions of people appreciate the city every year as a carnival stronghold and for the Rhine funfair. Besides the Königsallee, the old town with its countless pubs, bars, restaurants and their beer specialties is famous. In addition to many impressive bridges, historic churches, castles, palaces and parks are part of the appearance.
Your reliable real estate agent in Düsseldorf - VON POLL IMMOBILIEN
You want to buy a house or buy an apartment in Düsseldorf? Or are you planning to sell your property through a competent real estate agent? If you are looking for a professional real estate agent in Düsseldorf, you have come to the right place. As real estate agents and experts for the real estate market in Düsseldorf, we are your reliable partner for the brokerage of real estate in Düsseldorf and the surrounding area. For owners we offer a free property valuation.
For you in the best locations - your competent real estate agent in Düsseldorf will be happy to advise you!

F.A.Z. Institute: "Germany's most sought-after real estate agents 2025"
VON POLL IMMOBILIEN has been awarded the "Germany's most sought-after real estate agents 2025" seal of approval by the F.A.Z. Institute and once again emerges as the industry winner with the highest score of 100 points. This is the fifth time in a row that the real estate agency has received the award. The categories examined were value for money, customer satisfaction, quality, service, recommendation and desirability.

Capital Broker Compass 2023: 5-star broker award
In the Capital Broker Compass 2023, VON POLL IMMOBILIEN once again receives the highest score - a total of 134 locations are awarded the rating of 5-star broker. Thus VON POLL IMMOBILIEN stands out once again as the brokerage with the most awarded locations among all analyzed real estate service providers. Also VON POLL IMMOBILIEN Duesseldorf belongs to the distinguished locations and thus to the best brokers of the region.
In a two-stage test procedure Capital evaluated already for the tenth time - together with Scope Fund Analysis and the IIB Institut - the achievements of 20,127 real estate agents in 161 German cities. The criteria assessed were qualification, process quality, exposé and contract, as well as customer service.

TOP customer advice 2024
Once again, we were awarded the
"TOP Customer Advice" quality seal by the renowned business and financial newspaper Handelsblatt. In the course of the study, which was conducted by Handelsblatt in collaboration with the Cologne-based analysis and consulting company ServiceValue, a total of 36,472 customer assessments from 15,061 customers on 745 companies from 40 different sectors were analyzed and evaluated. In addition to professional expertise in consulting, factors such as initial contact, problem-solving skills and personal appearance were also examined.

DEKRA certified expert for real estate valuation D1
The DEKRA standard "Expert for real estate valuation" certifies comprehensive knowledge in the valuation of real estate, including market analysis, valuation methods and legal principles. It confirms in-depth expertise in the professional valuation of various property types.

ImmoScout24 Gold Partner
We are proud to be a Gold Partner of ImmoScout24. This seal stands for our outstanding quality and reliability in the real estate sector. As a Gold Partner, we benefit from exclusive advantages such as preferential placement and special marketing tools that enable us to market your property faster and more effectively. You can rely on our many years of experience and our commitment to your success.

F.A.Z. Institute: "Germany's most desirable employers 2024"
VON POLL IMMOBILIEN receives the "Germany's most desirable employer 2024" award from the F.A.Z. Institute, part of the renowned Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. With the highest score of 100 points, VON POLL IMMOBILIEN emerged as the winner in the "Real Estate Agents" category. Among other things, job security, salary structure, development and training opportunities as well as additional benefits were examined.
Client testimonials
I can highly recommend the agency in Düsseldorf. Mr. Grumbt and his staff gave us excellent advice on the sale of our family home and handled everything professionally. They organized an astonishing number of viewing appointments in a short period of time and thus enabled a quick and good sale of the property. Truly 1A service!
Gabriele K.
We received both competent and understanding support from Mr. Zoubos during our property purchase phase. We are very happy and grateful that we were able to get to know Mr. Zoubos as a friendly real estate agent and are very happy to recommend him to others.
Angelina Alexander
We, a community of heirs, made a very good choice with Mr. Grumbt. The support was excellent, not least because of the prompt reporting and constant availability. Even the exposé was inspiring: a detailed, serious presentation of the property including potential uses; the virtual 3D tour was very impressive. The cooperation, also with Mr. Zoubos, was uncomplicated and goal-oriented at all times. Especially the constructive support in difficult moments was extremely helpful. In our case, the large pool of already known prospective buyers led to a quick sale. All in all, we couldn't have done better -- even compared to other estate agents I have experienced as a seller in the past.
Joachim Kaiser
Many thanks for the professional handling of our sale: from the initial contact to the valuation to the preparation of the exposé and the search for a buyer, everything was great! Ms. Karimi in particular was always approachable and full of enthusiasm in her work. If you are looking for a trustworthy estate agent, we at Poll Immobilien, Shop Düsseldorf, recommend Ms. Karimi and Mr. Grumbt.
Simone Switala
Many thanks to Mr. Grumbt and the entire VON POLL IMMOBILIEN team! With your expertise, your large network and your commitment, we succeeded in selling our detached house in Düsseldorf at an absolutely fair price within a reasonable period of time, despite a difficult market situation. The collaboration was always transparent, open and very professional. I felt very well looked after at all times. A clear recommendation!
Achim Hoss
Professional and reliable estate agent, clearly designed exposé including virtual tour, friendly staff and well-organized viewing.
Melanie Tassone
**An outstanding real estate agent and a first-class team**We had the pleasure of working with Ms. Brakonier from VON POLL and can only give her the highest of recommendations. From the very beginning, she impressed us with her empathy and genuine interest in our needs and wishes. It was immediately clear that she was not only a professional agent, but also an extremely approachable and empathetic person.Her business-like approach and depth of knowledge made the whole process smooth and efficient. No matter what questions or concerns we had, Ms. Brakonier was always available to assist us and made us feel like we were in the best hands. Her ability to explain complex issues in an understandable way and her excellent communication are particularly noteworthy.The entire team behind Ms. Brakonier is equally commendable. Each individual was always friendly, professional and helpful. Collaboration within the team was seamless and care was always taken to ensure that we as clients were the focus.Overall, we can recommend Ms. Brakonier and her team at VON POLL without reservation. Her first-class work, her empathetic and approachable manner and her business expertise make her one of the best estate agents we have ever worked with. Many thanks for the excellent care and support!
J. Ebert
Thank you once again to Mr. Zoubos for his professional support during the house purchase
Erdal Dogan
Mrs. Martin was very quick and satisfactory with all the answers to our questions and punctual at our viewing appointment. We thank
Arzu Guressever
The contact with Kai Bendel was great. Gladly again!!!
Janosch Louis
Sehr professionell im Auftreten und sehr angenehme Umgangsformen – Attribute, die mir im Immobiliengeschäft selten erscheinen.
G. Feltes
Ich bin sehr zufrieden und werde von Poll Immobilien jederzeit wieder beauftragen!
H. Höhle
Über eine Internetanfrage zur Bewertung meiner Immobilie bin ich automatisch zu von Poll Immobilien weitergeleitet worden. Ab dem allerersten Kontakt wurden wir kompetent beraten und der Verkauf der Immobilie wurde sehr schnell abgewickelt. Tolles Team, für uns war das eine gute Entscheidung.
C. Linke
Die Zusammenarbeit war absolut professionell und vertrauensvoll. Wir waren ständig auf dem aktuellen Stand.
K. Mokros
Kompetente und sehr freundliche Beratung. Faire Preisfindung. Mein Dank gilt Herrn Iman Nilipour. Wir sind mit dem Gesamtpaket von Von Poll Immobilien sehr zufrieden und empfehlen Sie zukünftig auch sehr gerne weiter. Viel Erfolg für die Zukunft!
M. Braun
An Professionalität kaum zu toppen. Vom Vermittlungsauftrag bis zum Notartermin knapp 5 Wochen! Beeindruckende Auswahl, Darstellung und Auftritt im firmeneigenen Angebotsjournal.
M. Bär
Wir fühlten uns in allen Phasen des Verkaufsprojektes bestens aufgehoben. Angefangen von der marktnahen, realistischen Einwertung unserer Immobilie, über die professionelle Präsentation bis hin zu der Vermittlung geeigneter Bestandskunden erlebten wir einen vertrauensvollen Ablauf bis zum zeitnahen Notartermin. Das Team um Frau Brakonier ist hoch motiviert, sehr fachkundig und freundlich. Wir können diese Maklergruppe uneingeschränkt empfehlen.
B. Weihrauch
Sehr geehrte Frau Brakonier, wir haben inzwischen den Umzug hinter uns gebracht und auch den vereinbarten Kaufpreis erhalten. Wir möchten uns bei Ihnen für die gute Beratung sowohl bei der Ermittlung des Verkaufspreises als auch bei der Erstellung der Verkaufsunterlagen und der späteren Betreuung bei der Abwicklung des Vertrages bedanken. Dank Ihrer Unterstützung ist der Verkauf unseres Hauses in verhältnismäßig kurzer Zeit abgewickelt worden.
H. Erler
Lief alles sehr gut. Schnelle Abwicklung. Ziel voll erreicht. Sehr gerne wieder.
H. Düx
Immer ansprechbar, zuverlässige Aussagen, engagiert in der Vermittlung und Koordination zwischen den verschiedenen Vertragsparteien
J. Patok
Sehr freundliche Maklerin, die sich viel Zeit genommen hat.
T. Weber
Schnelle Reaktion, umgehende Besichtigung arrangiert.
D. Seuferling
Anbieter hat sich unverzüglich auf meine Anfrage gemeldet und kurzfristig einen Besichtigungstermin möglich gemacht. Top!
M. Heuser
Sehr höflich, interessiert und zielgerichtet. Absolut weiterzuempfehlen!
P. Jann
Hallo Herr Grumbt, hallo Herr Siepen, für Ihre Mühe beim Verkauf unserer Wohnung möchte ich mich bei Ihnen herzlich bedanken. Ich selber suche eine 3-Zimmer-Wohnung in Kaiserswerth. Geben Sie mir bitte Bescheid, wenn Sie eine entsprechende Wohnung in Sicht haben.Vielen Dank!
S. Friesen
Wir waren sehr zu frieden! Sehr professionell und zuverlässig ! Die Wohnung war innerhalb von drei Wochen verkauft!
U. Kaiser
Die Zusammenarbeit mit Herrn Grumbt von von Poll Immobilien, insbesondere seine persönliche Betreuung ist in jeder Hinsicht perfekt seriös, kompetent, absolut zuverlässig und unaufdringlich. Er handelt flexibel, schnell und transparent.
S. Thielen
Bei der Vermittlung einer denkmalgeschützten Immobilie fanden wir bei von Poll genau den richtigen Partner. Durch einen in jeder Hinsicht überforderten Architekten in eine finanzielle Schieflage geraten – die Baukosten waren auf das sechsfache angestiegen und die Abnahme stand noch aus –, mussten wir das Objekt schnell, sicher und zu einem angemessenen Preis vermieten. Wegen der angespannten Situation konnten die Verträge nur unter Vorbehalt abgeschlossen werden. In von Poll fanden wir genau den richtigen Partner, der mit größter Kompetenz und Sensibilität die optimalen Möglichkeiten des Marktes zu unseren Gunsten auslotete. Mit den vermittelten Kunden sind wir sehr zufrieden. Nicht zuletzt ist die außergewöhnliche Freundlichkeit der extrem netten Beraterinnen hervorzuheben, die sich auch außerhalb der Geschäftszeiten für uns einsetzten. Auch bei der Bemessung des Honorars zeigte sich von Poll entgegenkommend. Wir sind sehr zufrieden und vergeben das höchste Prädikat.
M. Müller
Immer wieder gerne ! Haben schon eine neue Immobilie in Auftrag gegeben.Das sagt wohl alles. Da ich mit allem zufrieden war, fällt mir nichts weiter ein.
G. Schlösser