Our Team in Dresden

Lara Diemer-Schmidt

Commercial Immobilienberaterin

Phone: +49 351 21 06 869 0

Email: [email protected]

Mit einem Bachelor-Abschluss und jahrelanger Erfahrung auf dem Dresdner Immobilienmarkt steht Lara Dieter Schmidt als kompetente Ansprechpartnerin sowohl für private als auch gewerbliche Immobilienkunden zur Verfügung.

Ob Sie auf der Suche nach einer Traumwohnung im Herzen von Dresden sind oder ein profitables Gewerbeobjekt suchen – Lara Dieter Schmidt bietet Ihnen maßgeschneiderte Beratung und professionelle Unterstützung bei allen Fragen rund um den Kauf, Verkauf und die Vermietung von Immobilien. Ihr tiefgehendes Marktverständnis und ihre fundierte Expertise im Bereich der Wohn- und Gewerbeimmobilien machen sie zur idealen Partnerin für Ihre Immobiliengeschäfte.


  • Residential (Wohnimmobilien): Kauf und Verkauf von Einfamilienhäusern, Eigentumswohnungen sowie Mietobjekten.
  • Commercial (Gewerbeimmobilien): Beratung und Vermittlung von Büroflächen, Ladenlokalen, Geschäftshäusern sowie Grundstücken für gewerbliche Nutzung.

Lara Dieter Schmidt setzt auf Transparenz, Zuverlässigkeit und individuelle Lösungen, um für ihre Kunden den besten Wert zu erzielen – ganz gleich, ob es um eine Erstinvestition oder die Erweiterung eines Portfolios geht. Sie versteht die Anforderungen sowohl privater Käufer als auch gewerblicher Investoren und begleitet ihre Kunden in allen Phasen des Immobiliengeschäfts.

  • Fundierte Expertise: Durch ihre akademische Ausbildung und praxisorientierte Erfahrung kennt Lara den Markt in Dresden genau.
  • Individuelle Beratung: Sie nimmt sich Zeit, Ihre Bedürfnisse und Ziele zu verstehen, um Ihnen die besten Optionen zu bieten.
  • Netzwerk: Ein starkes Netzwerk an Partnern aus den Bereichen Finanzierung, Handwerk und Recht sorgt dafür, dass alle Aspekte Ihrer Immobilienangelegenheiten abgedeckt sind.

Vertrauen Sie auf die Expertise von Lara Dieter Schmidt, um Ihre Immobilienziele in Dresden sicher und erfolgreich umzusetzen.


Marcus Hesse

Financing specialist

Phone: +49 351 - 21 06 869 0

Email: [email protected]

We are very pleased to introduce Mr. Marcus Hesse as financing specialist of VON POLL FINANCE for the Von Poll Immobilienshop Dresden. Mr. Hesse is your competent contact when it comes to tailor-made financing solutions for real estate. With his expertise, he ensures that your real estate financing is optimally tailored to your individual needs and circumstances.

Mr. Hesse has many years of experience in financing advice and knows the challenges that can arise when financing real estate. Thanks to his in-depth training and practical knowledge of finance, he is able to find the right solution for every life situation and every project. Whether you want to finance a condominium, a house or a commercial property - Mr. Hesse is very familiar with the various financing options and will provide you with expert and trustworthy advice.

Thanks to his broad network of renowned banks, financial institutions and funding opportunities, Mr. Hesse can always provide you with the best conditions and tailor-made offers. He knows how to explain the complex financing processes clearly and show you all the relevant options so that you can make an informed decision.

As part of the Von Poll Immobilienshop Dresden, Mr. Hesse is not only responsible for financing, but also works closely with the real estate advisors to offer you an all-round service from a single source. From the first meeting to the real estate consultation and successful financing - Mr. Hesse ensures that the entire process runs smoothly and efficiently.

Whether you want to finance the purchase of your dream property or expand your real estate portfolio - Mr. Marcus Hesse is always at your side with his experience, expertise and commitment. He will take the time to listen to your wishes and work with you to find the optimal financing solution that offers you long-term security and flexibility.

We are convinced that you are in the best hands with Mr. Hesse as your financing expert and are delighted to have him as a competent support for the Von Poll Immobilienshop Dresden.

For a personal consultation on your property financing, Mr. Marcus Hesse will be happy to assist you at any time.


Hanno Burmester

Office Manager Commercial Dresden

Phone: +49 351 - 21 06 869 0

Email: [email protected]

Mr. Burmester has many years of experience in the commercial real estate sector and specializes in advising investors, companies and institutional clients. Thanks to his in-depth training and knowledge of the market in Dresden, Leipzig and beyond, he is able to provide you with a detailed analysis of the real estate market and customized solutions tailored to your specific needs and objectives.

As a real estate consultant for commercial properties and an investment consultant, Mr. Burmester knows the challenges and potential of the market inside out. Whether you are looking to acquire an office property, retail space, industrial properties or apartment buildings as an investment, Mr. Burmester will support you with his expertise in identifying and evaluating attractive properties and investment opportunities. He always takes into account both economic and long-term strategic aspects in order to realize the best potential returns.


Steffen Dreier

Branch Manager

Phone: +49 351 - 21 06 869 0

Email: [email protected]

It is a special pleasure for us to introduce Mr. Steffen Dreier, a graduate civil engineer, as the branch manager of the von Poll Immobilienshop Dresden. Mr. Dreier is an experienced professional with extensive know-how in the real estate industry and brings his in-depth technical understanding and expertise in real estate valuation to every consultation.

With his degree in civil engineering and his certified qualification as a DEKRA-certified expert for real estate consulting - D1, Mr. Dreier has an excellent background to provide you with competent and professional support in all matters relating to the purchase, sale or valuation of real estate. His certification as an expert guarantees you sound, independent and expert advice based on the highest standards of property valuation.

Since taking over the management of the Von Poll Immobilienshop Dresden office, Mr. Dreier has not only shaped the company with his knowledge and leadership skills, but has also taken on a central role as a contact person for all technical and value-related questions concerning real estate. With his expertise in the technical valuation of buildings, market analysis and comprehensive advice for prospective buyers and sellers, he is a valuable support for anyone looking for the right property in Dresden and the surrounding area.

As an expert, Mr Dreier not only analyzes the condition and quality of properties, but also takes into account the economic and market context to provide you with sound decision-making support. Whether you want to have the value of your property appraised, buy or sell a building or need help determining renovation requirements - Mr Dreier is your reliable partner.

In addition to his professional expertise, Mr Dreier is characterized by his solution-oriented approach and his passion for real estate. His goal is to always find the best and most sustainable solution for you as a customer. In doing so, he ensures that all your questions and concerns are clarified in an open, transparent discussion.

Under his guidance, you benefit from tailored real estate advice that not only takes into account the technical and legal aspects, but also focuses on the personal needs and long-term goals of clients.

Whether you want to buy or sell a property, need an accurate valuation or are looking for support in making a decision - with Mr. Steffen Dreier at your side, you are well advised. His expertise and commitment make him an indispensable part of the Von Poll Immobilienshop Dresden.

For personal advice and further information, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Dreier.




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