To sell his house seems easier today than ever before.Not only do well-known online portals offer a public platform for every seller, but they have also taken over functions that were previously reserved exclusively for an estate agent.However, not having the support of a professional very often leads to unsatisfactory results. The following is a brief overview of the most common mistakes in the private sale of real estate.
Missing patience: If you want to sell your property privately, a lot of work comes to you. Evaluation of the property, procurement of all relevant documents, preparation of a meaningful exposé, target group identification and implementation of marketing strategies, pre-selection of potential buyers, organization and implementation of viewings, verification of buyer creditworthiness. This effort is often underestimated. In order to save time, important tasks are skipped. The result is very likely a sale below market value - or even a cost-intensive reversal of the sales contract.
A lack of know-how: How can I evaluate my property? What documents do I need for the sale and how do I formulate the purchase agreement? A house sale requires not only time. but also expert knowledge. A lack of know-how usually has a negative impact on the sales talks and leaves you in a vulnerable position.
Emotional attachment: The first shared house, the garden where the children learned to ride a bike: for most owners, their own house is not just real estate. It was for many years their center of life and is associated with countless memories. When it comes to parting with all this and selling the house, many private sellers fail. Their high emotionality often leads to unrealistic asking prices and a lack of objectivity in sales negotiations.
No network: For optimal marketing or determining the purchase price, you need good contacts in the industry. Already during the valuation of the property, it is indispensable to know the right contacts. Otherwise, owners run the risk of falling victim to a dubious provider - even and especially in times of online valuation portals. Just like a lack of expert knowledge, the lack of a network that has the necessary expertise is also the undoing of many private sellers. It makes them manipulable and often leads to the fact that they sell your home under value.
If you want to be safe when selling a house, let yourself be advised by a professional broker! Professional brokers are experts who are happy to serve you. The broker has an objective view of a property and can evaluate it with expertise, years of experience and methodical. He takes time for you and allows you a stress-free handling of the entire sales process.
You want to play it safe when selling real estate and not sell below value? Contact us! We will be happy to advise you.
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