VON POLL IMMOBILIEN - Real estate agent Balingen - Team picture

Blog Balingen

Clemens Kaleitzis
Viehmarktplatz 5
72336 Balingen
Current real estate offers
Opening hours
Monday 08:00 - 18:00 
Tuesday 08:00 - 18:00 
Wednesday 08:00 - 18:00 
Thursday 08:00 - 18:00 
Friday 08:00 - 18:00 

Clemens Kaleitzis [Real estate agent (IHK), certified independent expert for real estate valuation (WertCert®)]

Viehmarktplatz 5, 72336 Balingen
Phone: 07433 - 30 81 210
[email protected]

In independent commercial agency for von Poll Immobilien GmbH

Business license according to §34c GewO by the district office Freudenstadt
Competent supervisory authority: Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) Reutlingen, Hindenburgstraße 54, 72762 Reutlingen

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Balingen - Team Page


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Balingen - BEST LIVING
Real estate, lifestyle and home decor: a delightful combination of entertaining themes.
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Local Partners

Zollernalb District Senior Citizens' Council e.V.

Zollernalb District Senior Citizens' Council e.V.

Kreisseniorenrat Zollernalb e.V.

A representation of interests of older people in the zollernalbkreis

The Kreisseniorenrat Zollernalb e.V. wants to accompany the demographic changes constructively. The association is a working group of organizations, associations and institutions in the district that are active in the field of senior citizen work. All institutions that deal with and for the older generation are welcome to join us.

Market Reports
Balingen - Market Reports
Our market report provides you with detailed information on purchase and rental prices, turnover, residential and construction trends.
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Job Offers
Balingen - Job Offers
Are you looking for a new challenge? Take a look at our job advertisements.
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Broschüre Begegnung, Wohnen, Pflege im Zollernalbkreis