Von Poll Immobilien Ostfriesland on the benefits for property owners
The purchase prices for single-family and two-family houses in Germany have increased by an average of 10.5 percent in 2020 compared to 2019, and for condominiums by 7.2 percent. In 2021, property prices have also continued to move upwards, depending on the macro and micro location. Since the valuation of real estate is only possible on a property-by-property basis and depends on many regional factors, the pan-European brokerage house VON POLL IMMOBILIEN has created an individual real estate valuation with the new owner portal, VON POLL IMMOBILIEN Home. The expanded service offering is intended to provide owners with a new level of transparency regarding their largest and most emotional asset - their own property - and thus solve the problem of intransparency. In the form of a 360-degree analysis, property owners receive not only an initial indicative market price estimate, but also comprehensive information on the surrounding area, infrastructure, and geographic and socioeconomic factors. An insight into the average marketing period for their own property is also available. It develops thus a digital home for the own four walls.
"In addition the portal holds a singular real estate value computer ready. With it, property owners can check potential investment projects for their profitability," says Nils Onken, area manager VON POLL IMMOBILIEN Ostfriesland. And adds: "Who plays thus for example with the thought to let a new kitchen install, can compute the increase in value developing thereby on-line, evaluate and see whether the project is worthwhile itself also."
A further highlight: The put on profile of the own real estate can be shared at any time and everywhere with life partner, tax counselor, banker and CO. and be worked on together. In the process, all users are always provided with regular updates on their property - by e-mail as well as directly in the VON POLL IMMOBILIEN Home owner portal itself.
Furthermore, the portal helps optimize the interaction between analog and digital processes during real estate brokerage. Owners who want to sell their property are thus referred even faster and more efficiently to the VON POLL IMMOBILIEN expert who is right for them - as in East Frisia.
Are you curious? The new owner portal VON POLL IMMOBILIEN Home is available online here: https://home.von-poll.com
For all questions about real estate brokerage - whether selling or buying - the VON POLL IMMOBILIEN experts in Aurich, Emden and Norden will be happy to advise you. Branch manager Nils Onken and his team look forward to hearing from you:
VON POLL IMMOBILIEN OstfrieslandFockenbollwerkstraße 3726603 Aurich04941 / [email protected]