Augsburg minutes
Welcome to the "Augsburger Minuten"
Have you ever been lonely? Have you also waited in vain and no one came? Can you imagine what it means to be alone in old age? And what a day without companionship feels like? The care service as perhaps the only, far too short visit of the day?
This is exactly the challenge we are facing with the Augsburger Minuten - together instead of lonely.
Our aim is to collect donations via an internet platform to counteract precisely this loneliness of senior citizens.
With your donation, we finance additional care staff paid according to collective wage agreements. In this way, you support the outpatient care services and the care provided by relatives.
This service relieves the burden on everyone involved and is therefore also a contribution to dementia prevention.
Your donation helps 3-fold:
1. You relieve the burden on nursing staff in outpatient care
The nursing staff of the charitable organizations encounter the loneliness of senior citizens in outpatient care every day. Reimbursements from health/care insurance companies are tight, leaving little to no time for companionship. Your donation therefore helps the nursing staff, as they can announce the 'Augsburger Minuten' caregiver during their visit with a clear conscience.
2. You create meaningful jobs
You help the additional caregivers, as they are given a meaningful activity in an employment contract subject to social insurance contributions - paid according to the tariff of the welfare organizations.
The competent outpatient care provided by the charitable organizations ensures medical and nursing care. The needs-based and timely community remains open. Here, carers and relatives can request care for these senior citizens unbureaucratically and without regard to a budget.