VON POLL IMMOBILIEN - Real estate agent Ravensburg - Team picture

Team assistant (f/m/d) in Ravensburg

Smiling lady - job advertisement for team assistant (f/m/d) in Ravensburg

Start your career at VON POLL IMMOBILIEN

With over 400 stores and more than 1,500 colleagues, VON POLL IMMOBILIEN is one of the largest real estate agencies in Europe. Our clients are owners and prospective buyers of properties of lasting value in prime residential and commercial locations - in line with our motto: "For you in the best locations". Together with our partner LEADING REAL ESTATE COMPANIES OF THE WORLD, we have an international network at our disposal.

Strengthen our office team as:

Team Assistant (f/m/d)

in Ravensburg

Your tasks:

  • You support the office management as well as the real estate agents in all matters and are responsible for the active cooperation and support in the
    day-to-day business
  • You take over the administrative work in various areas, prepare customer appointments and manage the meeting rooms
  • You are responsible for the correct data entry and rapid processing and forwarding of data
  • You carry out tasks and work according to defined and uniform specifications
  • Creation of cooperation concepts for the in-house magazine, newspapers and other online and offline platforms
  • Acquisition of new industry-related cooperation partners and introduction to the existing structures of VON POLL IMMOBILIEN
  • Involvement and management of existing and new partners in the cooperation processes
  • Support of existing cooperation partners and development of joint activities
  • Long-term commitment of partners to the company
  • Proactive approach of potential cooperation partners, Activation of cross-selling potential
  • Strategic consulting and active support for the successful implementation of the partnership
  • Creation of an inspiring vision and creation of the communication strategy and concept across all relevant communication
    channels (Facebook, XING, Linkedln, lnstagram, etc.) including community management, continuous communication with the partners
  • .) including community management, continuous monitoring and optimization
  • Identification of lifestyle relevant topics to support and further develop the visibility of the professional service online
  • Analysis and optimization of communication, evaluation of the selected measures and creation of meaningful reports
  • Securing the external impact and visibility of the VON POLL IMMOBILIEN corporate brand in the relevant target media and channels
  • You will be part of a team with the motivation of long-term and collegial cooperation. A friendly and open-minded
    team that looks forward to working with you

Your profile:

  • You have completed a commercial apprenticeship and take on the classic office tasks of real estate agents
  • You ideally have initial professional experience in a comparable position
  • You are a team player, reliable and flexible and have a confident and self-assured manner
  • You are experienced, motivated, committed and maintain an overview and your friendly nature even in stressful situations
  • You complete your tasks just as conscientiously and reliably, as well as structured and organized
  • You are experienced in using the MS Office package (Word/Excel/Powerpoint)
  • Savvy in dealing with social media and other online platforms, Basic knowledge of marketing is an advantage
  • You communicate convincingly both verbally and in writing and know how to prepare convincing presentations

Apply now!

Sylvia Ruchti
Roßbachstraße 17/1
88212 Ravensburg
Current real estate offers
Opening hours
Monday 09:00 - 18:00 
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00 
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00 
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00 
Friday 09:00 - 18:00 
Saturday 10:00 - 13:00 

Sylvia Ruchti

Roßbachstraße 17/1, 88212 Ravensburg
Phone: +49 (0)751 - 35 90 88 0
Email: [email protected]

In independent commercial agency for von Poll Immobilien GmbH

Business license according to §34c GewO granted by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce Bodensee - Oberschwaben
Competent supervisory authority: Lake Constance - Upper Swabia Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Lindenstraße 2, 88250 Weingarten

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Das Atelier Individuelle Einrichtungen

Das Atelier Individuelle Einrichtungen

Mein Name ist Andreas Kaiser.
Ich bin gelernter Möbelschreiner und Inneneinrichter und bin seit 25 Jahren als Inneneinrichter tätig. In dieser Zeit habe ich Zeit zahlreiche Projekte für anspruchsvolle Kunden realisiert. Mein Schwerpunkt liegt auf hochwertigen Lösungen, die sowohl funktional als auch ästhetisch überzeugen.


Ihre Wohnträume sind mein Antrieb 

Meine Arbeit umfasst sämtliche Bereiche der Inneneinrichtung: Von der Gestaltung von Wohn- und Schlafräumen bis hin zur Gestaltung von Geschäfts- und Büroflächen. Dabei lege ich besonderen Wert auf die Auswahl hochwertiger Materialien und eine sorgfältige Verarbeitung.

Wenn Sie einen Inneneinrichter suchen, der Ihnen exklusive und individuelle Lösungen bietet, dann sind Sie bei mir genau richtig. Ich arbeite mit einem Netzwerk aus zuverlässigen Handwerkern und Lieferanten zusammen, um für meine Kunden ein optimales Ergebnis zu erzielen.

Ihre Vorteile auf einen Blick

  • Alles aus einer Hand, von der Planung bis zur Fertigung
  • Möbelplanung von der Zeichnung bis zur Fertigung
  • Ein individuelles Farbkonzept der Wände, abgestimmt auf Ihre Einrichtung
  • Eine besondere Auswahl an Stoffkollektionen für die edle Gestaltung ihrer Vorhänge, Kissen und Polstermöbel
  • Vielfältige Ideen für Stoffrollos und Jalousien
  • Restauration antiker Möbel
  • Gemeinsamer Besuch der Showrooms von BW & Interprofil


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