Team picture VON POLL IMMOBILIEN Hamburg Alster-West

Real estate agent (f/m/d) in Hamburg - Alster-West

Start your career at VON POLL IMMOBILIEN

With over 400 stores and more than 1,500 colleagues, VON POLL IMMOBILIEN is one of the largest real estate agencies in Europe. Our clients are owners and prospective buyers of properties of lasting value in prime residential and commercial locations - in line with our motto: "For you in the best locations". Together with our partner LEADING REAL ESTATE COMPANIES OF THE WORLD, we have an international network at our disposal.

Strengthen our team in the residential real estate sector as an independent

real estate agent (f/m/d)

in Hamburg - Alster-West

Your profile:

  • Professional experience in sales, ideally in the real estate sector
  • Strong sales talent with strong acquisition skills, perseverance and determination
  • Very good communication skills combined with a sophisticated, cultivated and confident manner
  • High customer orientation and pleasure in providing professional advice to owners and interested parties
  • Good market knowledge - from street names to contacts with owners

Your tasks:

  • Independent customer and property acquisition
  • Development of marketing strategies
  • Conducting viewings
  • Advising and supporting your contractual partners during negotiations and notary appointments
  • Network and database maintenance

We offer you:

  • Our nationally known brand and a professional organizational structure
  • Access to the high-quality real estate market
  • Interesting career prospects with opportunities for advancement
  • A lucrative and individual commission model
  • A pleasant working atmosphere in a friendly and dynamic team
  • Professional training in our company's own training academy, including an IHK certification
  • . IHK certification
  • Modern workplace equipment

Time for a career leap: Apply now!
Contact: Nadja Skala ([email protected]) -
Keyword: Real estate agent (f/m/d) in Hamburg - Alster-West
VON POLL IMMOBILIEN - Shop Hamburg - Alster-West - Lehmweg 36 - 20251 Hamburg

Apply now!

Hamburg - Alster-West
Ass. jur. Nadja Skala
Eppendorfer Weg 253
20251 Hamburg
Current real estate offers
Opening hours
Monday 10:00 - 17:00 
Tuesday 10:00 - 17:00 
Wednesday 10:00 - 17:00 
Thursday 10:00 - 17:00 
Friday 10:00 - 17:00 

Ass.jur. Nadja Skala [Real estate agent (IHK)]

Eppendorfer Weg 253, 20251 Hamburg

Phone: +49 (0)40 - 52 47 75 59 0
Email: [email protected]

In independent commercial agency for von Poll Immobilien GmbH

Nadja Skala: Trade license according to §34c GewO issued by the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg

Responsible supervisory authority: Hamburg-Nord District Office, Department of Consumer Protection, Trade and Environment, Kümmelstraße 6, 20249 Hamburg

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Hamburg - Alster-West - BEST LIVING
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Hamburg - Alster-West - Market Reports
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Team Page
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Hamburg - Alster-West

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Local Partners


  • Innenarchitektur & Interiordesign, Beratung, Konzeptentwicklung, Planung, Baubetreuung
  • Planung von einzelnen Wohnbereichen, Häusern, Ferienimmobilien, Büro- und Gewerberäumen, Arztpraxen
  • Lichtplanung
  • Farbkonzepte und -beratung
  • Planung von individuellen Möbeln und Innenausbauten
  • textile Dekorationen
  • Interiorguiding und Scouting von Möbeln, Klassikern, Kunst
  • Homeaccessoires, Styling
  • full service bei der Organisation und Beschaffung von Produkten
  • Visualisierung in Form von Skizzen, Moodboards, technischen Zeichnungen
  • Bedarfsgerechte Analyse und Kommunikation online, telefonisch oder vor Ort
  • projektabhängige Arbeit nach Absprache und in enger Abstimmung mit dem Kunden
  • bei grösseren Projekten können Leistungsphasen in Anlehnung an die HOAI abgedeckt werden
  • Kooperationen mit einem Team von bewährten Firmen, Kollegen und guten Handwerksbetrieben