This cozy, Mediterranean house has two bedrooms, a beautiful living/dining room, a fitted kitchen and was completely renovated almost 10 years ago, even the power lines were renewed.
It is a detached house with an outside staircase to the large roof terrace with a fantastic view over Paguera.
The garden with its various terrace areas invites you to linger, and a covered porch is also perfect for socializing!
– / 19
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Living Space
ca. 70 m²
Land area
ca. 296 m²
Purchase Price
395.000 EUR
Property ID | 3477 |
Purchase Price | 395.000 EUR |
Living Space | ca. 70 m² |
Condition of property | Completely renovated |
Construction method | Solid |
Rooms | 3 |
Bedrooms | 2 |
Bathrooms | 1 |
Year of construction | 1978 |
Usable Space | ca. 70 m² |
Equipment | Terrace, Fireplace, Built-in kitchen |
Type of parking | 1 x Other |
Energy Certificate
Energy information | At the time of preparing the document, no energy certificate was available. |
Building Description
Paguera (Catalan: Peguera) is a very popular vacation resort for German families in the southwest of Mallorca. Just under 4,000 inhabitants live in the touristy seaside resort in the municipality of Calvià.
The three fine sandy beaches of Paguera offer first-class conditions for swimming, snorkeling and various water sports. While Playa de Tora and Playa de la Romana are natural sandy beaches, Playa Palmira was created by artificial sand filling in the 1990s together with the beautiful beach promenade, where a diverse selection of restaurants have set up shop.
Playa Palmira is also the largest beach in the area and is particularly popular with families with children due to its low swell.
The center of Paguera, the Bulevar de Paguera, is the shopping mile in the resort of Paguera. The main shopping street runs parallel to the beaches and is lined with numerous stores and restaurants.
And Paguera benefits not least from its easy accessibility: the island's capital Palma de Mallorca and Son Sant Joan airport are only around 30 minutes away by car and the resort has a direct highway connection.
Just a stone's throw away is the noble Camp de Mar, which is particularly popular with golfers, as the resort has a challenging golf course.
The three fine sandy beaches of Paguera offer first-class conditions for swimming, snorkeling and various water sports. While Playa de Tora and Playa de la Romana are natural sandy beaches, Playa Palmira was created by artificial sand filling in the 1990s together with the beautiful beach promenade, where a diverse selection of restaurants have set up shop.
Playa Palmira is also the largest beach in the area and is particularly popular with families with children due to its low swell.
The center of Paguera, the Bulevar de Paguera, is the shopping mile in the resort of Paguera. The main shopping street runs parallel to the beaches and is lined with numerous stores and restaurants.
And Paguera benefits not least from its easy accessibility: the island's capital Palma de Mallorca and Son Sant Joan airport are only around 30 minutes away by car and the resort has a direct highway connection.
Just a stone's throw away is the noble Camp de Mar, which is particularly popular with golfers, as the resort has a challenging golf course.
- new fitted kitchen
- Split air conditioning hot and cold in the bedrooms and living room
- new electrical installation
- beautiful terraces with low maintenance garden
- Split air conditioning hot and cold in the bedrooms and living room
- new electrical installation
- beautiful terraces with low maintenance garden
Type of parking
1 x Other
Other information
Other current ancillary costs:
House charges: Not applicable
Property tax apartment: approx. 185 € (annually)
Garbage collection: approx. 170.00 € (annually)
Plus consumption-dependent costs such as electricity, water, etc.
Non-resident property owners are required by law to submit an annual income tax return to the tax office (Modelo 210), even if the property does not generate any income. The amount for EU citizens for this apartment is approx. 130,- € per year, for further information please contact us! For non-EU Citizens the amont sums up to 164,- €.
Incidental purchase costs on acquisition:
The ancillary purchase costs amount to at least 10% and include the land transfer tax (>=8%, because it depends on the purchase price), notary fees, public registrations and processing fees of the tax office.
If you use a real estate agent for your property search in Spain, this service is free of commission for you as a buyer! However, always make sure that you only use reputable estate agents who are based and licensed in Mallorca!
House charges: Not applicable
Property tax apartment: approx. 185 € (annually)
Garbage collection: approx. 170.00 € (annually)
Plus consumption-dependent costs such as electricity, water, etc.
Non-resident property owners are required by law to submit an annual income tax return to the tax office (Modelo 210), even if the property does not generate any income. The amount for EU citizens for this apartment is approx. 130,- € per year, for further information please contact us! For non-EU Citizens the amont sums up to 164,- €.
Incidental purchase costs on acquisition:
The ancillary purchase costs amount to at least 10% and include the land transfer tax (>=8%, because it depends on the purchase price), notary fees, public registrations and processing fees of the tax office.
If you use a real estate agent for your property search in Spain, this service is free of commission for you as a buyer! However, always make sure that you only use reputable estate agents who are based and licensed in Mallorca!